Aragorn's Best Line: The Two Towers
With a little prompting from Nachos Grande, here we are for Aragorn's best quote from The Two Towers film.
The line 'There is always hope' is less dramatic and more widespread than many of the lines in the movies, but the context surrounding the line makes it 10 times better.
The scene takes place in Helm's Deep, right before the battle. Old men and children need to fight for Rohan against the might of Mordor, and the fear is rampant. Aragorn has a conversation with the young boy Haleth, and the line is spoken at the end. They would go on to win the battle (thanks to Gandalf and the Rohirrim).
Both of Aragorn's best quotes (The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers) came from the movies. After I do The Return of the King, I think I'll go and pick out his best lines from the books. It's been a little bit since I've read them, so it may take a little more looking around.
As always, thank you for reading my humble little blog.
Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!
Coming up next: Aragorn's Best Line: The Return of the King
I remember that scene and quote... but forgot if Haleth survived or not.