The Ending of The Return of the King?
This post is centered on the book, so for all of you purists out there.....well, you'll still hate this post, because I'll be criticizing the book. I know, I'm a dirty Orc.
After Frodo destroys the Ring, thus saving Middle Earth, the book goes on to the Scouring of the Shire. It seems that Saruman took over Frodo's home once the game was lost for Sauron. Due to the orders of Saruman, or Sharkey, and his band of ruffians, the heroes have a difficult time getting back home. They are locked out, arrested, and threatened. The book then proceeds to have battles, with lots of killing and stuff, and ultimately, the second overthrowing of Saruman, and his death at the hands of Wormtongue.
Personally, I feel that all this didn't need to be added, and quite frankly shouldn't have been added. It doesn't make a ton of sense that after doing the deed that he's been working three books to accomplish (or one full book, but you get it), Frodo needs to defeat yet another evil to go back home. And spoiler alert: he doesn't even stay home, but ends up leaving with Bilbo for the Undying Lands, leaving his home and possessions to Sam and his wife Rosie.
Honestly, reading through that last couple chapters of the book was probably the least-enjoyable part of the whole series, barring the parts where Eowyn was drooling over Aragorn. It doesn't help that portion that Frodo was weak from the trauma and suffering from his previous undertaking. And the death of Saruman was........disturbing, seeing how it didn't happen in the movie (which I saw first). I didn't see that coming.
Anyway, the book was written well before I was born, and I'll still hold that it's my favorite series to read (although Geronimo Stilton is hard to beat 😂). One questionable chapter doesn't ruin one of the great literary legends. And I think most LOTR book nerds will disagree with me on that point.
Well, that's all I got on the subject. I could elaborate more on the chapter review, but I don't know that it's needed. However, if anybody who reads the blog wants a full summary, you can click on the link and read it.
Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!
Coming up next: I don't have a ton of ideas right now. We'll figure it out as we move along, but I'll kick out the Coming Up Nexts
Never read the books... and probably never will (as long as card blogs exist). I agree that the happier ending that the movie portrays sounds better, but I do think it's cool that Wormtongue sort of redeemed himself.